Year 2012 organizes a Series-Movers Informal Tourney, open for series-movers of any type and with any fairy conditions and pieces. Tasks and records of some sort are encouraged, but are not mandatory! Maximum four problems per author are accepted for the tourney (tournament entries are labeled "T[n]" in the table below), but compositions can also be sent for publication "hors concours" (labeled "HC[n]")
Judge: Arno Tüngler
Send to: Cornel Pacurar originals(AT)
Year 2011
The Internet magazine «» declares new annual competition of drawing up of problems and studies, with any quantity of figures !
Take part in competition «ChessStar-2011» the registered users can only !
2# - Judge: Franz Pachl 3# - Judge: Aleksandr Sygurov n# - Judge: Ralf Krätschmer studies - Judge: Jaroslav Polášek
Products are accepted from February, 1st, till December, 30th, 2011, inclusive. Prizes, honourable and favourable mentions are established.
Year 2008-2009
Chief editor: Harold van der Heijden, Michel de Klerkstraat 28, 7425 DG Deventer, Holland harold_van_der_heijden(AT)
studies - Judge: Jonathan Mestel
Send to: Ed van de Gevel gevel145(AT)
Year 2007
Fairy direct problems - Direct (i.e. mates, stalemates, checks etc.) problems of any fairy type.
Judge: Hans Peter Rehm
Fairy endgames - Fairy chess endgames of any type. As this is quite new and there's no endgame theory available, please avoid the indication of +- (great advantage), but explain in detail how to win the game.
Judge: Hans Gruber
Fairy helpmates - Helpmates in any number of moves, any fairy condition/piece/board.
Judge: ?
Fairy selfmates - Selfmates in any number of moves, any fairy condition/piece/board.
Judge: Uri Avner
Fairy chess retroanalysis (classical and SPG) - Retros of any fairy types. In case of fairy pieces or boards, please indicate what is the initial game array!
Judge: Reto Aschwanden
Classical orthodox retroanalysis (no SPG) - Classical retro problems
Judges: Kostas Prentos & Andrey Frolkin
... all other fairies - any other fairy problem that doesn't belong to the previous tourneys
Judge: ?
Send to: marco.bonavoglia(AT)
Year 2012
2# - Judge: Zoran Gavrilovski
h2# - Judge: Friedrich Hariuc
All participants shall receive the award by email. Maximum number of entries per composer: 8.
Send to: chessplayerro(AT)
Year 2012
hn# - Judge: Živko Janevski
sn# - Judge: Hans Peter Rehm
retros & chessmathematics - Judges: Thomas Brand, Hans Gruber & Ulrich Ring
series-movers - Judge: Tadashi Wakashima
direct play fairies - Judge: Juraj Lörinc
help play fairies - Judge: Thomas Maeder
Send to: Hans Gruber, Ostengasse 34, D-93047 Regensburg, Germany hg.fee(AT)
Year 2009-2010
2# - Judge: Vasil Markovcij 3# - Judge: Aleksandr Sygurov 4-5# - Judge: Aleksandr Sygurov
h2# - Judge: Vladislav Nefedov h3# - Judge: Vladislav Nefedov Closing date for year 2010: 15.9.2010
Send to: Vladimir Kozhakin, Pochtamt box 0/28, 685000 Magadan, Russia vKozhakin(AT)
s2-6# - Judge: Evgeni Fomitchev Closing date for year 2010: 1.9.2010
Send to: Evgeni Fomitchev, Pochtamt box 13, 607700 Shatki, Russia e_fomichev13(AT)
studies - Judge: Vitaly Kovalenko Closing date for year 2010: 20.10.2010
Send to: Vitaly Kovalenko, St. Kurtchatova 10, kv. 128, 692802 Bolshoi Kamen, Russia vskovalenko(AT)
Year 2012
s2-5# (2011-2012) - Judge: ?
h2-4# (2011-2012) - Judge: ?
fairies (2011-2012) - Judge: ?
Direct mate problems in 2-5 moves, selfmates in 2-5 moves, helpmates in 2-4 moves; the permissible fairy pieces are: nightrider, grasshopper, anti-grasshopper, lion, Chinese pieces; permissible fairy conditions: circe and anticirce (excluding any other circe genres), Andernach and anti-Andernach chess, Madrasi and Isardam, maximummers. Multiple solutions and twins including 0-positions are allowed.
It may not be possible to publish more than one problem by a single author in a section within a year.
Send to: László Ányos
Studies - Judge: Pauli Perkonoja
Prizes: books, Magyar Sakkvilág for 1 year.
Closing date for year 2012: 15.11.2012
Send to: Péter Gyarmati, 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Rákóczi u. 10-22. III/36., Hungary petergy(AT) or
Year 2010
General editor: Milan Velimirović, Milentija Popovica 35/6, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia mivel(AT)
2# - Judge: ? Editor: Paz Einat, 45a Moshe Levi Str, 74207 Nes Ziona, Israel paz(AT)
3# - Judge: ? Editor: Milan Velimirović
n# - Judge: ? Editor: Milan Velimirović
Endgames - Judge: David Gurgenidze Editor: Iuri Akobia, 72B Iosebidze str. ap 132, Tbilisi 0160, Georgia akobia(AT)
h2# - Judge: Ioannis Kalkavouras hn# - Judge: Christopher J.A. Jones Editor: Harry Fougiaxis, Delvinou 4, GR-11363 Athens, Greece harryfou(AT)
sn# - Judge: ? Editor: Milan Velimirović
Fairies - Judge: Kjell Widlert Editor: Eric Huber, CP 13-72, 024240 Bucharest, Romania hubereric(AT)
Retro & Math - Judge: Thomas Brand Editor: Hans Gruber, Ostengasse 34, D-93047 Regensburg, Germany hg.fee(AT)
Computing and Internet: Milan Velimirovic
English language supervisor: Colin Sydenham
Russian/English translator: Ilja Ketris
Originals should be sent either via the input form on web site Mat Plus (menu: Originals, then submenu: New, select in dropdown list "Section") for registered members, or by surface mail to respective editor's address, or by e-mail message to the editor.
Year 2012
2# - Judge: Vasyl Dyachuk 3# - Judge: Valery Kopyl n# - Judge: Yury Gordian
studies - Judge: Oleg Pervakov
The fast publication is guaranteed. Publications are sent on a e-mail of authors.
Send to: Ilham Aliev ilhamaliev(AT)
Closing date for year 2012: 20.10.2012
Year 2011 s2-3# - Judge: Diyan Kostadinov sn# - Judge: Živko Janevski h2# - Judge: Zoran Gavrilovski h3# - Judge: Valery Kopyl
hn# - Judge: Nikola Stolev retro - asking for "every type of (orthodox or fairy) classic retros and proof games". Judge: Jorge Lois
Send to: Živko Janevski, P.O. Box 163, MK-1480 Gevgelija, Macedonia zivko(AT)
help-play problems - Judge: Petko Petkov
Required are help-play problems ( h# / h= / hs# ) in 2 moves, or serieshelpmates (ser-h#) in not more than 9 moves. They should show familiar unorthodox forms, such as (but not limited to) those illustrated in the above article. They should not be too complex. These limitations are made so as to give readers a gentle introduction to this type of problem; in due course the limitations may be relaxed a little.
Send to: Chris Feather cfeather(or) or
christopher.feather(AT), including the word "ORBIT" in the message heading. All e-mails will be answered.
Year 2012
Chief editor: Juraj Brabec brabec(AT)
2# - Judge: Karol Mlynka Send to: Peter Gvozdják, Hlaváčikova 9, SK-841 05 Bratislava peter.gvozdjak(AT)
3# (2012-2013) - Judge: Zoltán Labai Send to: Marián Križovenský, SK-082 01 Kendice 264 marian.krizovensky(AT)
n# (2012-2013) - Judge: Stanislav Vokál Send to: Oto Mihalčo, Cyprusova 1, SK-040 00 Košice oto.mihalco(AT)
h# - Judge: Ján Kovalič Send to: Juraj Lörinc, Pažítková 5, SK-821 01 Bratislava juraj.lorinc(AT)
s#, r# (2012-2013) - Judge: Štefan Sovík
Send to: Ján Golha, Lúky 1231/89, SK-952 01 Vráble goja(AT)
fairy - Judge: Ján Golha Send to: Juraj Brabec, Svetlá 3, SK-811 02 Bratislava brabec(AT)
Studies (2012-2013) - Judge: Martin Minski Send to: Luboš Kekely, SK-023 32 Snežnica 128 kekely(AT)
Entries should be sent to the editors of the section or to Juraj Brabec as
soon as possible but before 15th October of the year.
Note: Starting with 2011 the copies of PAT A MAT will be distributed to the subscribers and fellows
only. The authors will find the published originals and awards at in section PAT A MAT: pat_a_mat.htm,
where they will appear in the same time as the printed issue, i.e. by the end of March, June, September
and December.
Chief editor: Denis Blondel, 19 rue de Rome, F-94510 La Queue en Brie denisblondel(AT)
Year 2012
2# - Judge: ? Send to: Philippe Robert, Saint-Loup, F-12700 Capdenac-Gare ph.robert.chess(AT)
3# - Judge: ?, n# - Judge: ? Send to: Pierre Tritten, 5 avenue Florian, F-93220 Gagny pt.phenix(AT)
Studies - Judge: ? Send to: Daniel Capron, 7 villa Chanoine, F-92270 Bois Colombes daniel.capron(AT)
Retro - Judge: ? Send to: Thierrey le Gleuher, 55 rue René Cassin, 91390 Morsang-sur-Orge t.legleuher(AT)
hn# - Judge: ? Send to: Axel Gilbert, 8 rue J Soulary, 69004 Lyon, France gilbert.axel(AT)
sn# - Judge: ? Send to: Yves Tallec, 23 rue Fantin-Latour, F-75016 Paris yves.tallec(AT)
Fairies - n#, sn#, rn# - Judge: ? Send to: Maryan Kerhuel, 52 bvd de la Republique, F-78000 Versailles maryan.kerhuel(AT)
Fairies - Tanagras - Judge: ? Send to: Laurent Riguet, 1 rue Jules Verne, F-60560 Orry-la-Ville lr.phenix(AT)
Fairies others - Judge: ? Send to: Jacques Dupin, 17 rue des Platanes, F-76610 Le Havre jacques.dupin2(AT)
Year 2011
2# - Judge: Aaron Hirschenson Send to: Andreas Witt, Bamenohler Straße 272, D-57413 Finnentrop, Germany Wittandreas5(AT)
3# - (2010-2011) - Judge: Gerhard E. Schoen Send to: Gerhard E. Schoen, Badergasse 9, 92705 Leuchtenberg, Germany gerhardschoen(AT)
n# - Judge: Ralf Krätschmer
sn# - Judge: Hartmut Laue Send to: Manfred Zucker, Postach 1129, 09052 Chemnitz, Germany m.zucker-manfred(AT)
hn# - Judge: Gunter Jordan Send to: Franz Pachl, Ungsteiner Straße 12, D-67067 Ludwigshafen, Germany fpa.levinho(AT)
Studies (2011-2012) - Judge: Stephen Rothwell Send to: Martin Minski, Dolziger Straße 1A, 10247 Berlin, Germany m.minski(AT)
Danish chess problem magazine. Informal tourneys for help mates and for fairies on a two year basis,
and a solving tourney on a yearly basis.
The magazine contains 28 pages and appears quarterly containing problems and articles
in Danish or English on problem chess matters. General, technical and solutions editor - Bjorn Enemark
Year 2012-2013 2# - Judge: Andreas Witt 3# - Judge: Udo Degener n# - Judge: Dr. Helmuth Morgenthaler
Send to: Dr. Hermann Weissauer, Alwin-Mittasch-Platz 6, D-67063 Ludwigshafen, Germany
sn# - Judge: Volker Gülke hn# - Judge: Steve Dowd fairy - Judge: Michael Barth
Send to: Franz Pachl, Ungsteiner Straße 12, D-67067 Ludwigshafen, Germany fpa.levinho(AT)
Year 2010
2# - Judge: ? 3# - Judge: Mečislovas Rimkus n# - Judge: Oleg Efrosinin
hn# - Judge: Aleksandr Bulavka sn# - Judge: Yuri Gordian
fairy (no other fairy pieses than grasshoppers and nightriders) - Judge: Vasyl Dyachuk
Send to: Vilimantas Satkus, Parko St. 2A, LT-58351 Akademija, Kėdainiu rajonas, Lithuania vilimantas.satkus(AT)
Closing date for year 2010: 31.10.2010
Year 2012
2# - Judge: Andreas Witt 3# - Judge: Zoltán Labai n# - Judge: Evgeni Fomichev hn# - Judge: Ricardo Vieira sn# - Judge: Valery Kopyl fairy - Judge: Václav Kotěšovec
Send to: Jiří Jelínek, Španielova 1313, 163 00 Praha 6, Czechia jjelinek(AT)
Studies (2011-2012) - Judge: Emil Vlasák
Send to: jaroslav.polasek(AT) and copy to: jjelinek(AT)
Year 2011-2012
2# - Judge: Vasil Markovcij 3#, n# - Judge: Štefan Sovík hn# - Judge: Franz Pachl sn# - Judge: Jiří Jelínek fairy - Judge: Juraj Lörinc Send to: Pavel Kameník, Vršní 45, CZ-182 00 Praha 8 problem64(AT)
Year 2012
2# - Judge: Pavel Murashev
Send to: Pavel Murashev, 141400, Moscow region, Khimki, Jubileyni 14, 109, Russia paul-mur(AT)
3# - Judge: Alexander Kuzovkov n# - Judge: Viktor Volchek
Send to: Aleksandr Feoktistov, 142060, Moscow region, Domodedovo rayon, St, Yuzhniy 16, 67 109, Russia feok(AT)
studies - Judge: Oleg Pervakov
Send to: Oleg Pervakov, 121471 Moscow, St. Ryabinovaya 4, 63, Russia oper60(AT)
hn# - Judge: Boris Shorokhov sn# - Judge: Gennadi Kozyura
Send to: Valery Gurov, 123459 Moscow, St. Leninskiy 88, 88, Russia valery_gurov(AT)
fairy - Judge: Aleksander Bulavka
Send to: Georgy Evseev, 127051 Moscow, Petrovskiy bulvar 17, 29, Russia georgy.evseev(AT)
retro - Judge: Nikita Plaksin
Send to: Nikita Plaksin, 127282 Moscow, St. Tikhomirova 2, 30, Russia
Closing date for year 2012: 15.11.2012
Year 2012
2# - Judge: Juraj Brabec 3-4# - Judge: Michael Keller n# - Judge: Hans Peter
Rehm sn# - Judge: Frank Richter hn# - Judge: Chris Feather
Send to: Wilfried Seehofer, Heilwigstraße 63, D-20249 Hamburg, Germany seehofer(AT)
Year 2012
2#, 3#, n# - Judge: Stephen Rothwell
hn#,sn# - Judge: Stephen Rothwell
Send to: Winus Müller, Am Ziegelbusch 5, D-24306 Rathjensdorf, Germany winusm(AT)
Year 2012 2# - Judge: Mirko Degenkolbe 3# - Judge: Andreas Nievergelt n# - Judge: Hans Peter Rehm
Send to: Martin Hoffmann, Neugasse 91/7, CH-8005 Zürich, Switzerland martin.hoffmann(AT)
Year 2012 Chief Editor : Mike Prcic, 2613 Northshore Lane, Westlake Village, CA 91361-3318, USA mike(AT)
2# - Judge: John Rice Send to: Aaron Hirschenson, 6 Nizana Street, 82025 Metar, Israel aaron43(AT)
3# - Judge: Rudolf Larin Send to: Rauf Aliovsadzade, 5600 Randolph Street, Lincoln, NE 68510, USA bakili97(AT)
n# - Judge: Mike Prcic Send to: Richard Becker, 510 Pleasant Ave, Oregon City, OR 97045, USA richard-becker(AT)
studies - Judge: Iuri Akobia Send to: Franjo Vrabec, Blakullagatan 31C, 25457 Helsingborg, Sweden franjo.vrabec(AT)
h2# - Judge: ? h2,5#-h3# - Judge: ? hn# - Judge: ?
Send to: Nikola Stolev, Bukovic 3a, nas.Lisice, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia stolev(AT)
shn#,ssn#,n=,sn=,hn= - Judge: Cornel Pacurar Send to: Radovan Tomaševič, Djure Salaja 19b/4, 19000 Zajecar, Serbia rasatom(AT)
sn# - Judge: Živko Janevski
fairies - Judge: Eric Huber Send to: Petko A. Petkov, Janko Sakazov N 38, vhod W, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria ppetkow(AT)
Retros - Judge: Henrik Juel, Proof games - Judge: Ryan McCracken Send to: Kostas Prentos, Kleanthous 23, GR-54453 Thessaloniki, Greece prentos(AT)
Year 2012
2# - Judge: Vasil Markovcij
Send to: Vjacheslav Pilchenko, 624804 Sverdlovsk region, Suchoy Log - 4, a/ya 41, Russia pilchenkovk(AT)
3# - Judge: Valery Kirillov n# - Judge: Viktor Volchek
Send to: Aleksandr Sygurov, 446480 Samara region, Pochvistenskij rayon, Sredneye Averkino, St. Sportivnaya 214, Russia sygurov(AT)
studies - Judge: Valery Kalashnikov
Send to: Sergey Osintsev, 620143 Ekaterinburg, a/ya 331, Russia osintsev64(AT)
hn# - Judge: Valery Kopyl
Send to: Vladislav Nefedov vita_kitt(AT)
sn# - Judge: Aleksandr Azhusin
Send to: Aleksandr Azhusin, 170019, Tver, St. 2-ya Silikatnaya2/21-3, Russia azhusin(AT)
fairy - Judge: Aleksandr Bulavka retro - Judge: Nikita Plaksin
Send to: Petko A. Petkov, 1504 Sofia, St. Janko Sakazov 38, whod "W", Bulgaria ppetkow(at)
Maximum 2 of compositions from the autor in section.
Closing date for year 2011: 1.12.2012
Year 2007-2008
2#, 3#, n#, studies - Maximum 1 per author and section. Send to: Street Mira 34, 197101 Sankt Peterburg, redakcia gazety „ Vetchernij Peterburg “, Russia
with remark : „ Šachmaty dlja ljuboznateľnych “
Closing date for year 2008: 1.7.2008