Award Blitz tourney Wroclaw 2003 C 31.5.2003


Theme: s2#- At least 2 sacrifices of white pieces (no pawns) in the same square. Set play, try are allowed.
Problems: 28

Eugeniusz Iwanow
Wladyslaw Rosolak
1. Prize
Swen Trommler
2. Prize
s2#                                   7 + 9
s2#                               12 + 13
1.Bf4 ? (2.Qxg4+ Kxg4#)
1... Rxf4 2.Qxg3+ Kxg3#
1... gf3 !
1.Rf4 ? 2.Qxg3+ Kxg3#)
1... gxf4 2.Qxg4+ Kxg4#
1... Se2 !
1.Qd1 ? (Bxg3+ Kxg3#)
1... Se2 2.Rxg4+ Kxg4#
1... Sf4 2.Qxg4+ Kxg4#
1... Rf3 2.Rxg4+ Kxg4#
1... Rf4 !
1.Qf5 ? (2.Bxg3+ Kxg3#)
1... Sf42.Qxg4+ Kxg4#
1... Se2 !
1.Be7 ? (2.Qxg3+ Kxg3#)
1... Rxf3 2.Rxg4+ Kxg4#
1... Se2 !
1.Qf2 ! (2.Rxg4+ Kxg4#)
1... gf2 2.Bg3+ Kxg3#
1... Sf4 2.Qg3+ Kg3#
1... Rf4 2.Qxg3+ Kxg3#
1.Qd8 ? (2.S7e5+ Sxe5#)
1... Rxd5 2.S3e5+ 2.S,Rxe5#
1... Kxd5 !
1.Rd1 ! (2.S3e5+ Sxe5#)
1... Kxd5 2.Qxe6+ Kxe6#
1... Rxd5 2.S7e5+ S,Rxe5#
Kazimierz Strzala
3. Prize
Michel Caillaud
4. Prize
s2#                                 8 + 12
s2#                                 10 + 12
1.Qg3 ! (2.Qe5+ Sxe5#)
1... Rxb1 2.Qxd3+ Kxd3#
1... Rxg3 2.Rf4+ Kxf4#
1... Bxg3 2.Bxd3+ Kxd3#
1... Bxf6 2.Qf4+ Kxf4#
1... Qxb2 2.Rxc4+ bxc4#
1... dxe2 2.Qxc4+ bxc4#
1.Kd5 ! zugzwang
1... Qxb2 2.Qxc4+ bxc4#
1... dxe2 2.Rxc4+ bxc4#
Dieter Müller
5. Prize
Frank Richter
1. Honourable Mention
s2#                               12 + 13
s2#                                 11 + 12
1.Qf5 ? (2.Qe4+ Sxe4#)
1... Kc4 !
1.Qc6 ? (2.Qe4+ Sxe4#)
1... Kxe5 !
1.Qg6 ! (2.Qe4+ Sxe4#)
1... Kc4 2.Be6+ Bxe6#
1... Kxe5 2.Re6+ Bxe6#
1.Qe2 ! zugzwang
1... Q~ 2.Qxe5+ Rxe5#
1... c2 2.Bxe5+ Rxe5#
1... Sxb6 2.Scd5+ Sxd5#
1... Sxc7 2.Sbd5+ Sxd5#
1... Rf~ 2.Qg4+ Rxg4#
1... gxh2 2.Rg4+ Rxg4#
M. Nedeľkovič
S. Saletič
2. - 3. Honourable Mention
Viktor Volček
2. - 3. Honourable Mention
s2#                                   8 + 13
s2#                                    7 + 11
1.Rb7 ! zugzwang
1... g3 2.Rxd4+ cxd4#
1... Bf~ 2.Qxd4+ cxd4#
1... b4+ 2.Rxb4+ cxb4#
1... Bb~ 2.Qb4+ cxb4#
1.Qc4 ! (2.Qxe2+ Bxe2#)
1... Sc1 2.Rd3+ Sxd3#
1... Sf4 2.Qd3+ Sxd3#
1... exd1B 2.Qd3+ Bxd3#
1... Bg5 2.Rxe2+ Bxe2#
Valerij Semenenko
4. Honourable Mention
Emanuel Avon
Yoel Aloni
5. Honourable Mention
s2#                                   11 + 7
s2#                                 10 + 12
1.Qf8 ? (2.Qa3+ Rd3#)
1... Sd6 2.Sg5+ Rxg5#
1... Se7 2.Sg5+ Rxg5#
1... a3 !
1.c4 ! (2.Qc3+ Rd3#)
1... Sf6 2.Sg5+ Rxg5#
1... Sg7 2.Sg5+ Rxg5#
1.Be5 ! (2.Qe4+ Rxe4#)
1... Kxe5 2.Qd4+ Rxd4#
1... Kc6 2.Sd4+ Rxd4#
1... Bxe5 2.e4+ Rxe4 #

Theme: s3#- At least 2 sacrifices of white pieces (no pawns) in the same square. Set play, try are allowed.
Problems: 26

Petko Petkov
1. Prize
Uri Avner
2. Prize
s3#                                 12 + 7
s3#                              10 + 10
1.Qb6 !
(2.Rd7+ Ke5 3.Bd4+ Bxd4#)
1... Rxf2 2.Bf7+ Rxf7
3.Qc5+ Bxc5#
1... Sxf2 2.e4+ Sxe4
3.Qd4+ Bxd4#
1... Sxb6 2.Sc7+ Kd6
3.Bc5+ Bxc5#
1.Kg1 !
(2.Kf1 3.Sxd3+ Bxd3#)
1... d2 2.Rc6+ bxc6
3.Sd3+ Bxd3#
1... Bg5 2.Qc6+ bxc6
3.Sxd3+ Bxd3#
Alexandr A˛usin
Andrej Selivanov
3. Prize
Leopold Szwedowski
4. Prize
s3#                                10 + 12
s3#                                 12 + 12
1... Sf4 2.gxf5+ Kxe5
3.Rxd5+ cxd5#
1... fxg4 2.Bxg4+ f5
3.Rh6+ Bf6#
1.Sd3 !
(2.Qe5+ dxe5 3.Rxc6+ Bxc6#
2... fxe5 3.Rh6+ Bf6#)
1... Sh4,f4 2.Sf4+ Ke5
3.Rxd5+ cxd5#
1... d4 2.Re5+
2... dxe5 3.Bd5+ cxd5#
2... fxe5 3.Rh6+ Bf6#
1... f4 2.Re5+
2... dxe5 3.Rxc6+ Bxc6#
2... fxe5 3.Qh6+ Bf6#
1.Sb2 !
(2.Qe7+ Kd5 3.Qe5+ fxe5#)
1... Qe1,a5,b4 2.Qf8+ Kd5
3.Re5+ fxe5#
1... Rh2,g2 2.Rd8+ Kxc6
3.Se5+ fxe5#
1...dxe3 2.Sc4+ Bxc4
3.Be5+ fxe5#
Eugeniusz Iwanow
5. Prize
Kazimierz Strzala
6. Prize
s3#                                10 + 11
s3#                                6 + 11
1.Sg5 !
(2.Rb3+ Kd4 3.Rxd3+ Bxd3#)
1... Kd4 2.Rxe4+ Kc5
3.Sxd3+ Bxd3#
1... Rh3 2.Rxb7+ Kd4
3.Sxh3 Bc2#
1... Bd~ 2.Rb5+ Kxc4
3.Qxd3+ Bxd3#
1.Qe3 !
(2.Bxe2+ Rxe2 3.Qxe2+
1... c4 2.Qxf2+ Bxf2
3.Rxf2+ Kxf2#
1... Bc4 2.Rxf2+ Qxf2
3.Qxf2+ Kxf2#
Frank Richter
1. Honourable Mention
Alexander Semenenko
2. Honourable Mention
s3#                                  12 + 7
s3#                                   8 + 6
1.Qf2 !
(2.Rxf1 3.Sb3+ cxb3#)
1... Sxe3 2.Sxc4+ Kxc4
3.Rd4+ Kxd4#
1... Sxd2 2.Sxc4+ Kxc4
3.Qd4+ Kxd4#
1... hxg6 2.Sf3 3.Qg2+ hxg2#
1.Sc2 ! zugzwang
1... e4 2.Qd1+ Kf2
3.Rg2+ hxg2#
1... hxg6 2.Ba4
3.Qg2+ hxg2#
1... Ba7 2.Rf6+ Bf2
3.Bg2+ hxg2#
Michael Barth
3. Honourable Mention
Jurij Gordian
4. Honourable Mention
s3#                                   5 + 15
s3#                                 11 + 8
1.Rd4 !
(2.Rxg4+ Bxg4
3.Qxg4+ Kxg4#)
1... Rxd4 2.Qxg5+ fxg5
3.Bxg5+ Bxg5#
1... cxd4 2.Bxg5+ fxg5
3.Qxg5+ Qxg5#
1.Rc2 !
(2.Be2+ Sxe2 3.Qe4+ Bxe4#)
1... Sxf3 2.Rd1+ Sd2
3.Qe4+ Bxe4#
1... Se2 2.Qc4+ bxc4
3.Be4+ Bxe4#
1... Bxd5 2.Re3+ dxe3
3.Be4+ Bxe4#
Michal Dragoun
5. Honourable Mention
ˇivko Janevski
6. Honourable Mention
s3#                                 11 + 11
s3#                                 9 + 10
1.Rc6 !
(2.Rd6+ Kc4 3.Sxe3+ Sxe3#)
1... gxf3 2.Qd7+ Ke4
3.Rxe3+ Sxe3#
1... Bxe5 2.Se7+ Kxd4
3.Bxe3+ Sxe3#
1.Bg5 !
(2.Re6+ fxe6 3.Qd5+ exd5#)
1... Rce2 2.Rf5+ Rxf5
3.Qe4+ Re4#
1... Rfe2 2.Qc5+ Bc5
3.Re4+ Re4#
2... bxc5 3.Re4+ Rxe4#
Eugeniusz Iwanow
7. Honourable Mention
s3#                                   9 + 6
1.Sc6 !
(2.Rg5+ Kxf6 3.Re5+ Rxh4#)
1... Bg3 2.Qg4+ Kxf6
3.Qg6+ fxg6#
1... Bf4 2.Qh3+ Kxf6
3.Rg6+ fxg6#

Theme: h2# - In 1 or 2 move white pawn goes on square which black piece (no pawn) left. At least 2 phases (set play, multisolutions, twins). No Zeropostions allowed.
Problems: 144

Petko Petkov
1. Prize
Zoltįn Laborczi
2. - 3. Prize
h2#                                 6 + 7
h2#                              10 + 5
2 solutions

1.Kxe4 Sg2 2.Kf5 e4#
1.Kxe3 Sf2 2.Kd4 e3#
B: c3 -> g2

A: 1.Sxh4 f5 2.Sf7 d6#
B: 1.Sxb7 d6 2.Sg7 f5#
Petko Petkov
2. - 3. Prize
Stefan Parzuch
Andrzej Jasik
4. Prize
h2#                                 7 + 9
h2#                              8 + 3
2 solutions

1.Sxa3 c4 2.Sc6 e5#
1.Sxg6 e5 2.Sb6 c4#
B: c4 -> e3

A: 1.Qxc6 Ba7 2.Qxe4 c6#
B: 1.Qxe5 Rh4 2.Qxc5 e5#
Michel Caillaud
Laurent Bouchez
Buletin Problemistic 2000
Dieter Müller
Franz Pachl
Alexander Semenenko
Vasilij Semenenko
5. Prize
Mario Parinello
6. Prize
h2#                                 5 + 6
h2#                              7 + 11
2 solutions

1.Sg3 e4 2.Se8 f6#
1.Sg4 f6 2.Sd6 e4#
B: Re4 -> e2

A: 1.Rg4 e7+ 2.Sd6 e8S#
B: 1.Sg4 exf7+ 2.Bd6 f8Q#
Michal Dragoun
7. Prize
Jorge Lois
Jorge Kapros
8. Prize
h2#                                 5 + 12
h2#                              6 + 7
B: Rc3 -> a4

A: 1.Rg3 c3 2.bxc3 Qxa3#
B: 1.Rc7 c4 2.dxc4 Qd1#
2 solutions

1.Be3 Sf2 2.Sg5 e6#
1.Rd5 Ke2 2.Sd7 c5#
Marjan Kerhuel
9. Prize
Menachem Witztum
10. Prize
h2#                                 7 + 8
h2#                              7 + 11
B: Sc4 -> c3
C: Sc4 -> d3

A: 1.Sd6 Rh4+ 2.Kd5 c4#
B: 1.Sd5 Re1+ 2.Kxd4 c3#
C: 1.Sf4 Rh4 2.Sd3 cxd3#
B: Bb8 - > f8

A: 1.Sh4 f5 2.Bc7 Ba7#
B: 1.Sd1 e3 2.Bb5 Sxd5#
Chris J. Featherl
1. Honourable Mention
Zoran Gavrilovski
2. Honourable Mention
h2#                                  4 + 5
h2#                              4 + 5
B: Rg7 -> b7

A: 1.Ke7 f8R+ 2.Bf7 Rxf7#
1... f8B+ 2.Kf6 hxg5#
B: 1.Kg7 f8Q+ 2.Kg6 Qg7#
1... f8S+ 2.Kh6 Rh7#
B: Sb6 - > b8
C: Sb6 - > d4
D: Rg7 = Sg7

A: 1.Bd6 f8B+ 2.Kb8 Bxd6#
B: 1.Bb4 f8Q+ 2.Kb6 Qxb4#
C: 1.Bc5 f8R+ 2.Kd6 Rd8#
D: 1.Be7 f8S 2.Kd8 Se6#
Christer Jonsson
3. Honourable Mention
Alexander Semenenko
4. Honourable Mention
h2#                                  4 + 6
h2#                              6 + 5
2 solutions
B: Qh7 -> e5

A: 1.Bc5 f8R+ 2.Kd6 Rf6#
1.Bg7 f8B+2.Kf6 Be7#
B:1.Qf6+ Kc7 2.Be7 f8S#
1.Bd6 f8Q+ 2.Bf7 Qxf7#
B: c5 - > b5
C: Sg5 - > a2
D: Sg5 - > a3

A: 1.Sc6 d8S 2.Sb8 Se6#
B: 1.Se6 d8B+ 2.Kd6 Se4#
C: 1.Sb7 d8R 2.bxa2 Rc8#
D: 1.Sf7 d8Q+ 2.Kc6 Qc8#
Christer Jonsson
3. Honourable Mention
Alexander Semenenko
4. Honourable Mention
h2#                                  4 + 6
h2#                              6 + 5
2 solutions
B: Qh7 -> e5

A: 1.Bc5 f8R+ 2.Kd6 Rf6#
1.Bg7 f8B+2.Kf6 Be7#
B:1.Qf6+ Kc7 2.Be7 f8S#
1.Bd6 f8Q+ 2.Bf7 Qxf7#
B: c5 - > b5
C: Sg5 - > a2
D: Sg5 - > a3

A: 1.Sc6 d8S 2.Sb8 Se6#
B: 1.Se6 d8B+ 2.Kd6 Se4#
C: 1.Sb7 d8R 2.bxa2 Rc8#
D: 1.Sf7 d8Q+ 2.Kc6 Qc8#
Viktor Zaitsau
5. Honourable Mention
Jorge Lois
Jorge Kapros
6. Honourable Mention
h2#                                  5 + 8
h2#                              9 + 8
B: Sd4 <-> Bf8
C: Qg6 <-> Sf8
D: Kf4 <-> Qf8

A: 1.Be7 f8S 2.Bg5 Sxg6#
B: 1.Sxh7 f8B 2.Sxg5 Bd6#
C: 1.Qd6 f8Q+ 2.Ke5 Qf6#
D: 1.Kg7 f8R 2.Sf5 Rf7#
2 solutions

1.Rxd5 f4 2.Rb5 d5#
1.Sxf6 fxg3 2.Sh5 f6#
Michal Dragoun
Dieter Müller
Michael Barth
7. Honourable Mention
Michel Caillaud
8. Honourable Mention
h2#                                  11 + 8
h2#                              4 + 5
B: f4 -> b5

A: 1.Bxf6 Rh5 2.Bg7 f6#
B: 1.Rxd5 Rd1 2.Rb5 d5#
2 solutions

1.Sf5 Bb3+ 2.d5 exd6 ep#
1.Kf7 Kxd7 2.Rg8 e6#
Jįn Golha
9. Honourable Mention
Stefan Parzuch
1. Commendation
h2#                                  5 + 9
h2#                              6 + 9
B: Qh5 -> a7

A: 1.Sc7 Qa5 2.Qxd3 b5#
B: 1.Se6 Qe3 2.Rxb4 d4#
B: Kf6 -> h6

A: 1.Sc5 e6 2.Re3 Be5#
B: 1.Sd5 b6 2.Re3 Sb5#
Eugeni Bourd
2. Commendation
Emanuel Navon
3. Commendation
h2#                                  7 + 11
h2#                              9 + 11
2 solutions

1.Rd6 c6 2.Bd5 Bc5#
1.Bd6 e7 2.Sd5 Se6#
2 solutions

1.Sd5 b6 2.Sc3 d5#
1.Sf6 d7 2.Sh5 f6#
Eugeni Bourd
2. Commendation
Emanuel Navon
3. Commendation
h2#                                  7 + 11
h2#                              9 + 11
2 solutions

1.Rd6 c6 2.Bd5 Bc5#
1.Bd6 e7 2.Sd5 Se6#
2 solutions

1.Sd5 b6 2.Sc3 d5#
1.Sf6 d7 2.Sh5 f6#
Yves Cheylan
4. Commendation
Ricardo Vieira
5. Commendation
h2#                                  6 + 6
h2#                              7 + 4
B: Qb2 - > b3

A: 1.Kxe3 Rxb2 2.Kf2 e3#
B: 1.Qe6 exd4 2.Kd5 e4#
B: wBe4

A: 1.Bxd2 f4 2.Sf3 Sg3#
B: 1.Sxf3 d4 2.Bd2 Bd3#
Borislav Gadjanski
6. Commendation
Wladyslaw Rosolak
7. Commendation
h2#                                  4 + 8
h2#                              6 + 8
2 solutions

1.Bf2 e3 2.Kf3 Qd1#
1.Bf4 Qd1 2.Qb7 e4#
2 solutions

1.Sg3 Kf4 2.Sc6 e5#
1.Sc3 Kd4 2.Rxc6 c5#
Illo Krampis
8. Commendation
Krzysztof Dra˛kowski
9. Commendation
h2#                                  7 + 10
h2#                              4 + 7
B: e2 - > c2

A: 1.Rf4 e4 2.Rxe6 e5#
B: 1.Bb5 c4 2.Sxe6 c5#
B: c2 - > b4

A: 1.Rc5 c4+ 2.bxc4 Sc3#
B: 1.Rd4 e4+ 2.fxe4 Sf4#
Tadeusz Lehmann
10. Commendation
Zoran Gavrilovskii
Special Prize
h2#                                  4 + 11
h2#                              4 + 2
2 solutions

1.Sf5+ d4 2.Ba1 Qa3#
1.Sf5+ d6 2.Bc8 Qa8#
3 solutions

1.Be5 h8Q 2.Kd6 Qf8#
1.Bf6 h8B 2.Kd8 Byf6#
1.Bg7 h8S 2.Kf8 Sg6#
Adamow, 15.10.2003, Waldemar Tura